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ECA Barometer on pilot fatigue (Европейская ассоциация лётного состава о проблеме усталости пилотов)

14.11.2012 13:53. Опубликовано в Безопасность полетов

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http://www.eurocockpit.be/stories/20121105/barometer-on-pilot-fatigue _ ECA_5 November 2012 - 5:14pm

Over the last few years, fatigue among pilots and cabin crew has become a genuine concern in the aviation world. Despite scientific studies showing that fatigue could jeopardise the safety of air operations, data about the prevalence of fatigue across Europe is scarce. With estimates of an approximate doubling of air traffic by 2020, getting an idea about the extent of this phenomenon becomes crucial.
 A 2010-survey by the Norwegian public service broadcaster, NRK, revealed that half of the pilots have fallen asleep or dozed off while on duty, with almost 4 out of 5 pilots stating they have felt too tired to be in the cockpit. Following these striking results, ECA Member Associations have taken up the challenge of surveying pilots in Europe. The results of the surveys among more than 6 000 European pilots have now been compiled in the ‘Barometer on pilot fatigue’.
       In the period between 2010 and 2012, more than 6 000 pilots in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK have been asked to self-assess the level of fatigue they are experiencing. The results uncover that pilot fatigue is a common phenomenon with a significant majority of the pilots (60-90%) having experienced fatigue while on duty and a third of the pilots having experienced episodes of micro-sleep and/or dozing off in the cockpit without agreeing this beforehand with their colleague. Some surveys show that over 50 per cent of the pilots have already fallen asleep while on duty in the cockpit.
The surveys also shed light on the potential danger related to aircrew fatigue. More than 3 out of 5 pilots in Sweden, Norway and Denmark have made mistakes due to extreme tiredness.

The ‘Barometer’ is a first attempt to bring some quantitative elements to the issue of air crew fatigue. This overview also discusses the main causes of pilot fatigue and looks into reasons for under-reporting fatigue, which is one of the reasons why fatigue is rarely captured in official statistics.

For a copy of the ‘Barometer on Pilot Fatigue’ click here.



Snore-tomatic pilot: Half of aircraft skippers have fallen asleep at the controls

19.11.2012 13:05. Опубликовано в Безопасность полетов

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19 Nov 2012 _ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/half-of-airline-pilots-polled-in-britain-1444544

The alarming figures show that most pilots admit they have made mistakes because of tiredness

Half of airline pilots polled in Britain admit they have accidentally fallen asleep at the controls of a jet.

And a third of these snoozing skippers have confessed that when they awoke they found to their dismay their cockpit colleagues were also dozing.

The alarming figures show that most pilots admit they have made mistakes because of tiredness.

But the fear of being disciplined means only around one in four captains would tell bosses when they are unfit to fly.

The European Cockpit Association, which represents pilots, released its worrying findings and warned that fatigue is a “common, dangerous and under-reported phenomenon”.

One in three pilots across Europe admitted they had nodded off while at the controls. The figures were worst among captains who were surveyed in Britain, Norway and Sweden.

An ECA spokesman said: “The only way to recover from fatigue is to get adequate rest.

“But a reality check shows this remedy is not a solution for many pilots across Europe. Long duty and standby hours, night flights and disruptive schedules often result in long periods of being awake and sleep deprivation.”

He added that pilots then have little chance of making up for the lost sleep and chronic tiredness.

Airlines say that Europe still has the strictest rules in the world when it comes to giving staff enough breaks.

After more than 6,000 pilots were polled during the past two years it was found in some countries that four out of five skippers had to cope with tiredness while in the cockpit.

In various countries at least three out of five pilots confessed to researchers that fatigue had caused them to make blunders.


Метод упреждающего управления безопасностью полетов воздушных судов в авиационных предприятиях

12.11.2012 13:46. Опубликовано в Безопасность полетов

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Метод упреждающего управления безопасностью полетов воздушных судов в авиационных предприятиях

16/12/2011 | Георгий Матвеев_ http://www.ato.ru/content/metod-uprezhdayushchego-upravleniya-bezopasnostyu-poletov-vozdushnyh-sudov-v-aviacionnyh

Матвеев Г.Н., заместитель директора департамента управления БП ОАО «Аэрофлот»


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