
Пресс-релиз SkyTeam Pilots Association(SPA) о встрече в Риме_5.03.2013

13 Март 2013. Опубликовано в Новости Профсоюзы

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SPA press-release

On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 the SkyTeam Pilots Association (SPA) concluded its semi-annual meeting in Rome, Italy.

The pilots of the SPA continue their unprecedented cooperation, mutual support and information sharing from their member airlines in areas concerning safety, security, industrial matters, industry consolidation and other related issues of concern in today’s fast paced global aviation environment.

The SPA welcomed two new members at this meeting. The pilots of Aerolíneas Argentinas, as represented by the Asociación de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (APLA), and the pilots of Kenya Airways, as represented by the Kenya Airline Pilots Association (KALPA), were unanimously approved for membership in the SPA.

SPA is very concerned about the recent Carpatair incident, since the Alitalia pilots represented by ANPAC had expressed their concerns regarding safety at that airline to the Alitalia management well before the accident took place. Alitalia should seriously consider the safety concerns of the professional pilot union at its airline. Furthermore SPA was disappointed that the representative of Alitalia management cancelled his attendance at this meeting and was deprived of being informed of the latest safety and security developments.

Kye Johanning of ALPA Int’l gave the SPA members an informative presentation on the financial and economic situation of the global aviation industry and SkyTeam in particular.

SPA is very grateful for the very interesting contributions of Mr. Michael Wisbrun CEO of SkyTeam and Mr. Paul van den Berk, Chairman of the Safety and Security group of SkyTeam (SSQFE).

Problems continue between Aeroflot and its pilots as represented by the Sheremetyevo Cockpit Personnel Association (SCPA). The SPA again wrote to the management of Aeroflot, urging them to return to the negotiating table and work collaboratively with the Sheremetyevo Cockpit Personnel Association (SCPA) to reach a mutually acceptable labor agreement. The most successful airlines in the world recognize that a professional pilot union provides great value to the success of their companies. SPA is further concerned with the lack of adherence to existing flight time and duty time regulations in Aeroflot. Respect for flight time and duty time regulations is a cornerstone of safety in all the SkyTeam airlines.

The pilots of MEA, as represented by the LPA, informed SPA that the situation in Middle Eastern Airlines (MEA) concerning the violation of flight time and duty time, implementation of fuel policies and other issues has improved significantly.

The pilot representatives of the SPA continue to work on behalf of the pilot groups we represent. In today’s global economic environment, cooperation between the member organizations of the SPA is paramount to protecting the interests of all SkyTeam pilots.

The SkyTeam Pilots Association will next meet in September of 2013 in Moscow, Russia.

The SkyTeam Pilots Association consists of representatives of pilots from thirteen airlines around the world who maintain international codeshare agreements with each other. The SPA represents over 25000 professional pilots. Members include pilots from Aeroflot, Aerolínas Argentinas, AeroMexico, Air Europa, Air France, Alaska Airlines, Alitalia, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Kenya Airways, KLM, MEA and Korean Air. Together, the pilots of the 19 SkyTeam airlines safely fly 552 million passengers per year (one of every four airline passengers in the world) to 1000 destinations in 187 countries.

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