AIRBUS information: Effect of Solar Radiations on Health
AIRBUS information: Effect of Solar Radiations on Health
Source: Operational Liaison Visit to Aeroflot (AFL)_REPORT _ January 29-31, 2013_Moskva
Aeroflot asked about the effects of Solar Radiations on Health.
Airbus comments:
Estimate and in-service measurements of cosmic radiations, which are the result of extensive scientific studies and airline experience, show that during flight in commercial jet aircraft the level of exposure to cosmic radiation for flight crews is well below the values specified in existing legislation or guidelines. There are no specific airworthiness requirements related to cosmic radiation that would apply to Airbus aircraft in general.
Airbus aircraft are not fitted with any specific means of protection against cosmic radiations. The reason is that shielding would add too much weight and is not considered to be necessary.
The level of exposure being a function of flight routes and duty times, airlines may have to consider specific measures to minimize the exposure level of their aircrew personnel, considering applicable legislation. Particular measures apply for airlines from the member states of the European Union according to the EURATOM Council Directive 96/29, Art. 42. Recommendations for crewmember training and information on in-flight radiations exposure have been published by the FAA in the advisory circular N° 120-61 [8]. The EU-Ops 1.390 provides also European regulation for cosmic radiation exposure.
The common procedure for airlines to deal with cosmic radiations is to use software programmes to calculate the effective radiation dose which would a crew member accumulate during the specific annual flight profile schedule. If the result is such that the crew member exceeds the limit values the flight profile is reconfigured. There are several programmes available to perform such a calculation (Epcard, Cari, etc.). In addition, the airline can use radiation measuring devices for assessment and validation of the calculated doses.
Airbus has no additional knowledge to make better recommendations than those provided by competent international research bodies. These recommendations are reflected in current international legislation and guidelines.