
Фильм "Экипаж (Flight)" в российском прокате

16 Ноябрь 2012. Опубликовано в Новости Зарубежные а/к

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Сюжет:  Уип Уайтакер (Дензел Вашингтон) – пилот-ас, работающий в гражданской авиации. Однажды рейс едва не заканчивается трагедией: из-за отказа двигателя самолет начинает падать с высоты девять тысяч метров. Несмотря на критическую ситуацию, Уип ведет себя хладнокровно и находит удивительное решение, которое позволяет ему избежать крушения самолета и массовых человеческих жертв.

Очнувшись в больнице, он узнает, что телеканалы называют совершенную им посадку чудом и превозносят его как героя. Но у контролирующих авиацию органов другое мнение. В больнице Уипу сделали анализ крови, который показал наличие в его крови небольшого количества алкоголя. Оказывается, Уип уже давно скрывал от коллег свою алкогольную и наркотическую зависимость, из-за которой ему теперь грозит пожизненный срок.

Но не все заинтересованы в том, чтобы его осудили. После воспроизведения аварийной ситуации на тренажере выяснилось, что из десяти пилотов избежать крушения смог только Уип. Начальство не готово расстаться с таким опытным асом, но что делать с его обвинением?

Драма, США, 2012, 138 мин.
Режиссёр: Роберт Земекис
В ролях: Дензел Вашингтон, Мелисса Лео, Джон Гудмен, Дон Чидл

Трейлер фильма: http://www.vokrug.tv/video/show/Ekipazh_treiler/

Кинотеатры: http://afisha.yandex.ru/msk/events/594040/


Ответы пилота DELTA AirLines на вопросы ШПЛС о фильме FLIGHT :


- What episodes are unreal (*MD-80 upside down flight, etc.) ?

In 1970, before simulators were used a lot, during a stall training flight, we got inverted, upside down, inverted and other position, I never thought could happen. I almost decided on another career. It scared the shit out of me. The first B-707 did a roll at the Boeing company picnic, so we know they can fly inverted and recover. With the few movie clips I have scene it looks like "Hollywood" sensationalism. It might sell tickets.
- Could Captains meet with FO in the cockpit, not in briefing room before flight?

In the US and on most domestic flights, this happens 98% of the time. Usually each pilot knew the other pilot and confirms the other had signed in. Each pilot had his duties and would meet in the cockpit 15-25 minutes before schedule departure time. If they did know each other they would introduce, verify log book and all the other required items and do procedures. The captain would brief any unique things he does during the flight and decide who flies first.
- Do aircompanies provide rehabilitation(treatment) for alcohol(drud-) addicted pilots (other personnel)?

Yes, for alcohol under certain circumstances. All crew members are accountable. If one crew member covers for the impaired, all will be fired. The big thing was crossing the cockpit door threshold. If in the cockpit your fired. Other crew members could try to talk the person if known to be impaired not to enter the cockpit. If that didn't work, he could call a supervisor or just be sick himself. Usually the other crew member would have a sudden illness to cancel the flight or give the impaired a few more minutes to get out of the cockpit. We had special volunteers to assist all crew members. ALPA started this in the late1970's. It was first call (HIMS) and it now has flowed over to most other employee groups with in the airlines. You can do a Google search for (HIMS). At Delta they renamed it to DPAC (Delta Pilot Assistance Committee). As far as drugs, there is no second chance that I am aware of, since you can be random tested anytime. Alcoholism is still concidered a disease, but using drugs is considered self inflicted. I had this happen to me two tomes during my career with alcohol impaired captains. One time we talked and we didn't get to the airplane and the other time, I had to inform him I was too sick to fly. When I said that, he knew I was serious and he made the right decision. Six months later, he called me with his wife and thanked me for saving not only his job, but his life and marriage.

- Do companies accept them back after rehabilitation?

Yes. There is a process and procedure to be re-instated. You first have to voluntarily admit yourself, go through the program successfully. The company, FAA, ALPA, friends and your family all get involved. It's a support system. It's usually a one time second chance.