Jeppesen CrewAlert
Mathematical Modeling of Crew Alertness
Alertness is a key aspect of fitness for duty for airline flight deck and cabin crews. Alertness and fatigue have become increasingly important issues as airplane capabilities have increased, and the complexity of flight operations have grown. Understanding how humans function in a complex 24/7 world has been a focus for scientists, regulators, and airline safety officers all over the world.
As part of a joint safety initiative, Boeing and Jeppesen have been developing tools for allowing better management of alertness and fatigue. CrewAlert is the first iOS application designed specifically to help airlines and their crews manage alertness and fatigue. Built on the Boeing Alertness Model (BAM), a mathematical model of alertness, the CrewAlert application puts scientific knowledge in the palm of your hands.
CrewAlert and the Boeing Alertness Model are evolving tools. As new science is added to BAM and new functions are made available in Crew Alert, updates will be posted to the App Store. Check back often to ensure you have the latest version.
Please note: This application is designed for professional pilots and the airlines that they work for. Before you purchase, please read this description in full as well as the Application License Agreement on iTunes to see if CrewAlert is for you.
For more information, please contact the CrewAlert team at
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Download the application (iTunes App Store):
Хронология разработки программы:
April 4, 2014
BAM has been updated to run even faster than before. Release 2.2 is a pure performance boost to better support planning optimization runs for larger installations.
"Many of our customers are using planning optimizers that may generate several thousand rosters per second during several hours. Taking human physiology properly into account at this speed is very challenging", says David Karlsson, FRM Technology Lead Engineer at Jeppesen.
"In release 2.2 we have managed to speed-up the computations in BAM considerably resulting in a 185% performance boost. This ensures minimal impact on planning processes while guiding the optimizers away from fatiguing flight patterns."
April 4, 2014
CrewAlert Pro has been updated with a slick iOS7 look-and-feel but also an ability to sync all data and settings over iCloud. This means that your information now is securely backed-up and that you easily can collect data and create scenarios on multiple devices reaching it everywhere - also after upgrading to a new Apple device. Enjoy!
April 4, 2014
Green Cargo, a Swedish cargo rail operator is now up and running using BAM with their crew planning optimizers. Even though regulation does not require FRMS of rail operators, Green Cargo sees the advantages with the Jeppesen approach:
"We've tried for many years to tweak our company rules to provide crew pairings and rosters for our staff that are nice to the body. Everyone have had their own opinion on on what is a good roster and our success down that route has been limited - to say the least.", says Johan Gerdvall, Planning Manager, at Green Cargo.
"With BAM integrated we can take fatigue into account during the highly automated construction process - the optimization. We're enabling not only production of less fatiguing rosters, but also evolving our rules forward safeguarding our efficiency."
March 31, 2014
The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has just published "Biomathematical Fatigue Models - Guidance Document"; one of the most comprehensive documents to date for assisting airlines in selection and application of biomathematical fatigue models for fatigue risk management. The document is found here (pdf).
February 18, 2014
A few years ago, Finnair became the first airline to plan their pilots with direct influence by a mathematical fatigue model during crew schedule construction. In recent months the airline has expanded its usage to also include fatigue “alerts” that are automatically pushed to the planners in day of operation. Now, supporting a performance-based approach, the human physiology is taken into account through the use of the Boeing Alertness Model – allowing for a more precise address of flight safety.
"The alert monitor is our main tool for not missing out taking action where needed," says Jari Ahonen, Crew Tracking Specialist at Finnair. "Fatigue alerts are now present as a new category in the monitor enabling us to put extra attention to problematic scheduling patterns - going beyond what regulation requires. Also during problem resolution, when recombining flights for our crew, we have fatigue indicators available in our planning GUI and can take that into account.”
February 18, 2014
The updated EASA FTLs were published January 31 and will come into effect February 18. Within 24 months all European operators will need to comply with these updated rules for crew flight and duty time. It is a major change for operators currently under CAP 371, but will also have a large impact on many using the current EU Ops.
Please find the new rules posted here.
February 10, 2014
What is a Fatigue Risk Management System, really? The ICAO FRM guidance material is quite comprehensive, many safety professionals have found it difficult to fully embrace the concept of FRMS and see a need of a concise simplification. For this reason we at Jeppesen have produced a one-page version you might find useful. Please find it through this link (pdf).
December 11, 2013
Collaboration with Integrated Safety Support announced Integrated Safety Support (ISS) and Jeppesen have recently announced a global collaboration agreement, aiming to support airline operators’ drive to enhance safety, and increase productivity while reducing risk.
ISS is largely based in Australia, but increasingly operates internationally. Under the agreement, ISS will help bring Jeppesen’s broad portfolio of Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) tools to market. Jeppesen will offer Integrated Safety Support’s comprehensive crew training solutions and consultancy offerings as part of its global portfolio. Read more here.
October 22, 2013
A new on-line training package has been produced for fatigue data collection using CrewAlert. Please contact us on
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for more information about our free-of-charge data collection service and associated e-learning material for crew.
September 4, 2013
CrewAlert Pro is now available at the Appstore. All the useful features of CrewAlert are still there, like being able to load your roster, fatigue prediction, fatigue reporting, data collection and tailored fatigue mitigation strategies. In addition, the Pro version features a new at-a-glance operational overview with estimated body clock time, acclimatization advice, and sleep debt counter. The app supports all iOS devices in all orientations, and is available for enterprise deployment.
Download cheat sheet. (pdf)
Read the press release
June 3, 2013
The built-in reaction time test in CrewAlert, called NPI, has been studied in detail by Washington State University and validated against the original 10-minute version PVT. The report shows a slight offset with longer reaction times, attributed to the touch screen usage, but in good correlation with the PVT and also a good match with KSS assessments. Contact us at
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for a copy of the paper.
May 22, 2013
The dates for the next large-scale crowdsourcing of crew fatigue data has now been set to September 15th to October 15th. All airline crew world-wide are invited to participate. All that is needed is an iOS device with CrewAlert Lite installed (free at iTunes Appstore). Please register (here), participate in improving science on aircrew fatigue, and take part in a raffle for a new iPad and 30 free downloads of the upcoming CrewAlert Pro app.
May 15, 2013
FAID®, an internationally recognized bio-mathematical fatigue model from InterDynamics is now available in CFAS and can be used as an alternative to, or side-by-side with the Boeing Alertness Model (BAM). Contact us at
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for more information.
April 4, 2013
Jeppesen has just released ground-breaking fatigue mitigation functionality in CrewAlert. With a simple tap on the timeline, crew can now easily produce a proposed fatigue mitigation strategy tailored to their roster. Read the full press release here.
March 25, 2013
We are currently prioritizing and planning new improvements for CrewAlert. Please consider sharing your worries, concerns, praise - and guide us in the development by taking our survey here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Feb 11, 2013
Jeppesen is now testing the new fatigue mitigation functionality in CrewAlert with pilots world-wide. If you are interested in evaluating the next build, please read the description (pdf) and send us an email at
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Jan 16, 2013
CrewAlert Lite has been updated on Appstore world-wide. The new release contains BAM Release 2, as well as updated duty coloring and smaller usability improvements.
Jan 9, 2013
FRM Seminar in Göteborg and Singapore. Please find details here (pdf).
Dec 20, 2012
CrewAlert 1.7 is now available on Appstore and contains a number of improvements including the new release of BAM. CrewAlert Lite will be updated with the new BAM release in January.
Dec 20, 2012
CFAS has shifted the default fatigue model to BAM Release 2.
Dec 20, 2012
Release 2 is a major data-driven update of BAM enhancing precision with 16% and boosting speed with 12%. Read more in the release notes found here.
Dec 19, 2012
A one-page product sheet is now available on the page for CrewAlert, below "More Information".
Oct 19, 2012
Building an FRMS aligned with ICAO guidelines just became significantly easier and less expensive, as Jeppesen now introduces the following:
Free fatigue data collection (Download pdf)
Efficient fatigue prediction in the crew management process for all airlines (Download pdf)
An easy to use fatigue reporting tool connecting your FRMS with your SMS (Press release)
Jan 15, 2012
Jeppesen recently released the results of a study (pdf) conducted to determine the level of effectiveness of flight and duty time regulations related to crew fatigue management.
Dec 15, 2011
CrewAlert 1.6 is now released on Appstore and supports fatigue reporting. The report is initiated by tapping (and holding for a few seconds) on the time line. After selecting the time for the report a pre-populated form will appear where more details can be added. The report is then sent as an e-mail to the safety department and contains a text-report for easy import into excel or an SMS solution. The report is also pre-modeled with BAM. The new iPhone app CrewAlert Lite was also released today leading up to new pricing: CrewAlert Lite comes from $2 while the full version is elevated to $30.
Oct 10, 2011
CrewAlert 1.5 is now released on Appstore. This somewhat more extensive update adds the concept of sleep quality and “external awakening” to sleep periods – which will enable even better precision of sleep predictions going forward. Release 1.5 will also demand provisioning of user consent at data upload so that Jeppesen can use the data in collaboration with scientists to publish validation and model-tuning work openly in scientific journals. The release also corrects a problem with using scenarios and uploading data. We are now ready for FDC2011 – please see, and consider signing up on the FDC2011 page.
Aug 26, 2011
We are happy to announce that a new release of CrewAlert has been uploaded to Apple for approval. Within short, hopefully in time for the Montreal meeting beginning August 30, CrewAlert will display local light conditions and also accept input of IATA airport codes.
July 4, 2011
Rosterbuster with CrewAlert! The popular roster export tool Rosterbuster can now send rosters straight to CrewAlert. For more information please visit
May 10, 2011
CrewAlert and LogTen now compatible! Since a few days back the LogTen app from Coradine Aviation is able to send flights over to CrewAlert. Read more on LogTen
Feb 23, 2011
CrewAlert version 1.3. is now available on the iTunes App Store. The release allows for creation of several parallel scenarios. The tutorial will be updated within short to describe this functionality more in detail.
Jan 17, 2011
The minor bug we found in version 1.2.2 has been fixed. CrewAlert version 1.2.3. is now available on the iTunes App Store.
Jan 13, 2011
We have encountered problems with version 1.2.2 that could cause crashes for some users. We have for this reason temporarily halted sales/updates on most markets. An update is on-going and CrewAlert should be back on the iTunes App Store within a few days. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Dec 2, 2010
Version 1.2 of CrewAlert has just been released on iTunes. Also, a new FAQ in pdf format is available (See link under the tab More Information).
Nov 11, 2010
In the June 2010 issue of AeroSafety World, we analyzed several flight and duty time limit regulation systems in use around the world for controlling fatigue. Subsequently, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration published its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for “Flight Crew Member Duty and Rest Requirements,” which has spurred significant discussion in the United States as pilots unions, airlines and others attempt to understand the implications of the proposed rules.
In a new article, the authors extend their previous analysis to consider the NPRM, as well as U.K. rules, outlined in Civil Air Publication 371, “The Avoidance of Fatigue in Aircrews.”
Nov 1st, 2010
CrewAlert 1.1 is now available on Appstore. This updated version “closes the loop” enabling airlines to collect fatigue-related data using CrewAlert and bringing it back to model improvement and validation. The functionality allows also for independent pilots to share their experiences uploading their schedule, actual sleep and alertness assessments and receive updated BAM parameters in exchange for their data.
For the first time there is now a solution available that schedules crew using sleep science, follows up what is actually experienced in operation, and then bring it back to model validation and improvement. Stay tuned for version 1.2!
Jeppesen Fatigue Risk Management Portfolio
Boeing and Jeppesen have jointly developed Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) functionality for allowing airlines to control crew fatigue and fatigue risk in crew planning and operation. The functionality is built into the Jeppesen Crew Management products so that scientific fatigue/alertness models can be accessed while constructing and maintaining crew schedules.
The FRM functionality allows for individual predictions on each flight of both crew alertness and associated risk. The alertness and risk information is available both in the GUI for the end-user but also to the optimizers during pairing and roster creation.
The availability of this information makes it possible to “build” alertness into rosters in the planning stage and to control and monitor it during manual roster maintenance and day-of-operation changes.
Alertness can be built into the crew schedules where it decreases fatigue risk the most – thus addressing the “tail” of the risk distribution. An operator may both use strict limits on fatigue risk, incentives to avoid the risk, alerts on risk thresholds, or any combination of these.
The Jeppesen rule engine RAVE, used in the Jeppesen Crew Management product suite, is able to connect to any scientific fatigue model compliant with CAPI, the Common Alertness Prediction Interface. CAPI enables high-speed integration with optimizers and aligns alertness prediction across models.
Download FRM Portfolio Overview (pdf)
Jeppesen Crew Solutions
Build in alertness from the beginning when optimizing and maintaining crew pairings and rosters.
Jeppesen CAPI
Add advanced decision support and visualization to your existing crew scheduling solution allowing for direct access to scientific fatigue models.
Jeppesen CFAS
Assess crew fatigue for entire fleets in seconds integrated easily with your existing crew scheduling solution.
Jeppesen CrewAlert
Assess individual schedules, get acquainted with sleep science, and collect operational fatigue data easily.
Fatigue Models
Use the leading fatigue models with the products and services in the Jeppesen portfolio.
FRM Services
Leverage the Jeppesen FRM experiences through business consultancy, training courses, assistance with data collection, or have Jeppesen construct your crew schedules remotely - efficiently enhancing safety.
Fatigue Data Collection 2014
Join us move science forward by collecting operational fatigue data.
FRM News Archive
FRM News Archive